Buy & Sell

Autohaus Hamilton Sales
Autohaus Hamilton has been servicing and repairing all types of Porsche since 1970. But there was never an official vehicle sales arm to the business. So, in 2006 with a growing business and burgeoning demand from customers Grant Geelan the owner of Autohaus Hamilton and a long-time customer Scott Lang saw an opportunity to establish Autohaus Hamilton Sales. They had two ultimate goals for the business. For sellers it was to provide a service where owners could sell their cars with the backing of a marque specialist and achieve a great result without the risk and hassle of selling privately. For the buyers our focus was to provide the ultimate peace of mind when purchasing their ‘new’ Porsche. Cars would be prepared to the highest possible standard and be underpinned by the highest levels of due diligence and disclosure.
Over the years we have likely sold 1000+ Porsche with many of our customers using our services over and over again for both selling and buying, some of them are on their 10th car with us now.
This level of repeat business does not come easily or overnight. It comes from many years of only trying to sell the best Porsche cars available and standing by them so we have happy repeat customers.
Find us at Unit 4 / 358 Eastern Valley Way, Chatswood, NSW 2067
Why buy or sell with Autohaus Hamilton?
In a nutshell, you buy a Porsche from Autohaus Hamilton because Porsche is what we do. We don’t do a bit of everything like your normal prestige dealer, we specialize in Porsche only, so when we say it’s good it must be good; if it’s not so good we will tell you too; there is no pleading ignorance here.
Lastly, this is a family-owned business, if there is ever an issue, we stand behind our service. There isn’t a maze of service advisors and managers to wade through, you speak to the people that sold you the car and own the business.
For a summary of the extensive process every car sold through Autohaus Hamilton Sales goes through prior to sale Click Here
Taking the Hell out of the sell!
Considering selling your Porsche privately? You might wonder what could possibly go wrong or how hard it could be? The following are just a few examples of some of the risks involved when inviting a stranger to your home and the benefits of engaging a specialist dealer. Click Here
Buy a Porsche
Call (02) 9417 0911 or Enquire Online
You can speak directly to Scott on 0411 023 663 or Anthony on 0414 959 911.
Find us at Unit 4 / 358 Eastern Valley Way, Chatswood, NSW 2067

Sell your Porsche
We will happily look at buying cars outright or take them in on consignment. To us there is no distinction between the two, we stand by both to exactly the same degree. For the seller 9 times out of 10 we achieve a better outcome without the hassle and risk of dealing with the general public privately at home.
If you would like to explore our sale options, tell us about your Porsche by completing the form below and we will be in touch with a valuation. Alternatively contact Scott on 0411023663 or Anthony on 0414 959 911 directly.

Finding the Perfect Porsche
As someone looking to buy their first Porsche or maybe their 12th, we can help in a number of ways. Either keep an eye on our current stock page to see if your dream car pops up or tell us exactly what you are after by completing the form below and we will add you to our buyer’s database. Many cars are sold off market to clients in this manner.

Our dealer services
1. We can take trade ins whether they are Porsche or not.. Approximately 50% of our sales involve a trade in.
2. We offer finance for purchasers through specialists in performance cars. Finance companies will generally not offer finance on cars being sold by private individuals.
3. For vehicles less than 10 years of age we provide a statutory warranty. For vehicles of more than 10 years old we have several ‘third party’ warranty options available.
4. We organise freight for interstate or overseas customers.
5. Interstate cars that require an inspection we have trusted advisors in all major cities.
If you have a Porsche to sell and do not want to go through the hell often associated with managing a private sale give Scott a call on 0411 023 663 or Anthony on 0414 959 911 and let them make it effortless.

Sell your Porsche
You can visit us weekdays at any time. We are also available to meet by appointment most weekends. You can speak directly to Scott on 0411 023 663 or Anthony on 0414 959 911.
Find us at Unit 4 / 358 Eastern Valley Way, Chatswood, NSW 2067
Enquire Online
Find me a Porsche
You can visit us weekdays at any time. We are also available to meet by appointment most weekends. You can speak directly to Scott on 0411 023 663 or Anthony on 0414 959 911.
Find us at Unit 4 / 358 Eastern Valley Way, Chatswood, NSW 2067
Enquire Online