Last weekend (weekend 5th-6th June) was a wash out in Sydney, well not only Sydney… the whole of the state was apart severe rain and wind ‘warning’. This warning wasn’t wrong and unlike a lot of weather forecasts this weather warning was spot on; the beaches, the city, the suburbs and beyond were hit with the largest downpour we’ve had in quite some time, matched with mighty winds which saw extensive damage across homes, roads and nature reserves.
This didn’t deter a select handful of drivers for our Sunday morning drive, 6 Porsches still braving the early start and meeting up at the old toll gates in Cowan. The truth of the matter was though, this weather wasn’t to be taken lightly and with huge amounts of flooding and fallen tree’s the drive was postponed and for this mornings’ sake, replaced with a big breakfast and a coffee.
The key words in all this is ‘Postponed’, so remember to stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled for upcoming drive information. Let’s hope for clear blue skies and empty open roads! If you’d like to join our events and drive mailing list, please send Sergio an email on: for all upcoming event information.
Got a question? Give us a call on (02) 9417 0911
or drop us an email