Build Update - Cayman RS 4.0

Before your excitement overcomes you and you start scrolling, let us quickly clarify a few things.

Yes – That’s a 4.0 Litre going into a Cayman
Yes – It’s a 996 Carrera S motor that’s been modified and upgraded
No – We aren’t going to give the final engine internal specs (just yet!)
Yes – This will go like the clappers.

This exciting build has been hiding in the back corner of the workshop, but what better time to get the ball rolling than the end of the year? With the engine in, we’re going to be able to start making some real milestones when we return in January and that’s when we’re going to be able to go more into depth with the ingredients making this Cayman go faster than ever designed!


Going into the Cayman:

Quick links:
More information on our custom builds, click here.
More information on engine conversions, click here.
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